Report from the 2020 Annual Member Meeting
It was a historic meeting. On Tuesday, December 1, for the first time in its fifty-three year history, Western Arts Alliance held a virtual Annual Meeting of the membership. Sixty-seven members gathered to hear reports from WAA’s President Eleanor Oldham, Secretary-Treasurer Cathy Weiss, Executive Director Tim Wilson, and participate in the annual member forum. WAA’s bylaws stipulate that the voting members present at the annual meeting shall constitute a quorum.
2017 Annual Conference attendees.
Welcome New Board Members
In her final official act as an officer, Past President Cory Baker presented the Governance Committee Report on the recent nominations to the Board of Director, and President Eleanor Oldham reported the result of the Election. Current Vice President Joe Mclalwain, Edmonds Center for the Arts, will succeed Eleanor as President. Antonio Gomez, Tacoma Arts Live, will serve as Vice President. Eleanor Oldham moves from President to Past President. And we are delighted to welcome the following new directors: David Mack, Invertigo Dance Theatre; Courtney Ozaki, Japanese Artist Network; Robin Pomerance, Cal Performances; and Nadhi Thekkek, Nava Dance Theatre. Of the thirteen board members, seven identify as BIPOC or LGBTQ. Learn more about all the current WAA Board of Directors.
Temporary Dues Policy Seeks to Help Support the WAA Community
In her report, Secretary-Treasurer Cathy Weiss announced that Western Arts Alliance is temporarily suspending WAA’s dues policy. While WAA depends on dues to sustain the organization, it is far more critical that WAA works to maintain our community when we need it most.
For those of you in a position to pay your dues in full, please do so. Your dues will not only support WAA but help support your colleagues who’ve lost their livelihoods in the pandemic.
If you cannot pay your dues in full, please pay what you can—any amount you can pay will help see our community through this crisis.
If you cannot pay at all, please let us know, and WAA will sustain your membership through September 2021.
This policy will be in effect until September 30, 2021. If you are a member coming up for renewal or recently lapsed, you will soon hear from us.
New Strategic Planning Process
WAA also announced a new strategic planning process to help guide the organization through the pandemic crisis. The field is struggling with existential questions. How do we move forward? How do we re-build our field to address the fundamental issues of equity, fairness, and sustainability? In the coming weeks, WAA will form an ad hoc strategic planning, including members of the board, staff, members, and key stakeholders. None of us has a crystal ball, so as we move forward with the planning process involving WAA’s Committees, focus groups, and online surveys, we will be calling on you to help us set our course together.
WAA Executive Director Will Extend Tenure
Due to the pandemic, WAA Executive Director Tim Wilson will extend his tenure to September 30, 2022. Last fall, Tim announced his intention to step down at the end of September 2021, but this summer, the Board and Tim agreed to postpone his resignation by a year to help stabilize the organization during the crisis.