About Performing Arts Discovery (PAD) Showcase: Hear from PAD Program Manager, Lucero Cortez


Applications for PAD Showcase are Open Through Friday, January 6, 2023

Who should apply to the PAD Showcase program?

Lucero Cortez, PAD Program Manager

PAD Showcase is for any U.S.-based and tour-ready artist or ensemble looking for a way to reach international audiences, and wanting to grow their list of digital assets. The ideal PAD artist has some touring experience — whether that be international or not — has a strong EPK, and feels ready to present themselves to an international audience. There’s no need to have a robust digital portfolio of performances, because that’s what this program is helping to provide! 

What can artists expect to gain from participating in the program?   

Artists accepted into the PAD Showcase program receive support to create a professionally produced virtual showcase video that will be shared with international audiences.  

The video is shot from wherever the artist is based, with virtual support and guidance from a professional video production team with over 20 years of experience working in the performing arts. Our team will send the artist a production kit with everything they need to shoot a professional video — all pre-set and ready to go at arrival. The production kit, production direction, and editing are all covered by the program, and the only thing the artist needs to take care of is finding a venue and getting their group together! 

We’ve also had artists participate in the program using existing video for their showcase; in those instances, they’ve worked with our production team to refine and edit their recording for the purpose of the showcase.  

The completed videos are shared with international audiences through the program, via targeted market ads, webinars, and virtual showcases with international delegates — plus the video is handed over to the artist to use for their own exposure strategies. You can see a highlight reel from the 2021 - 2022 cohort below, and full showcases are available here.

How can PAD help artists further their careers?  

For artists who have never toured internationally, or have very limited international touring experience, this program can be a fantastic way to create connections to those markets without needing to visit first. And as I mentioned, the video can be used however the artist sees fit. For artists who may still be growing their digital assets, having this professional video can be a monumental help.  

Another benefit of being a PAD Showcase artist is having access to international delegates who participated in the PAD program in its beginning stages between 2015 - 2020, when PAD focused on bringing international delegates to the US to view US artists. This list of delegates from all over the world is available for PAD artists to use to make their own connections.  

Lastly, while the marketing for this virtual showcase will happen internationally, we promote the showcase at domestic conferences and events too – and of course, the showcase platform is available to anyone — all they need is the link.

2021 - 22 PAD ensemble, Ballet Folklorico de Los Angeles with Mariachi Garibaldi de Jaime Cúellar; image credit: Julie Salas Rodriguez

What do you like most about your role as PAD Program Manager?  

I come from a family of working musicians and have a deep passion for music and the performing arts. I’ve been a part of theater groups and dance groups and have great respect and appreciation for folks who dedicate their life to their craft. Being able to work directly with and help artists expand their career and their passion into international markets is so exciting and fulfilling. There’s also such a range of work and so much talent within the program, so it’s been fun experiencing that and discovering new artists.  

2021 - 22 PAD artist, Kenny Endo; Image credit: Toyo Miyatake Studio

How does PAD fit in to the current COVID landscape in terms of touring opportunities?   

When the program first launched in 2015, it was designed to bring a group of international delegates from all over the world to the WAA Annual Conference to see U.S. artists showcase. As a result of COVID-19 travel restriction, WAA pivoted to the current format, bringing digital assets from U.S. artists to share with those international markets instead.  

For artists who are ready to hit the ground running, I encourage looking into our new PAD initiative PAD X, which helps take a group of industry folks (artists, agents, presenters, and more) to three key markets: Australia, Germany/Europe, and Colombia/Latin America. Stay tuned for more details in the new year.  

Do you have any tips for applicants?   

Be thorough, but focus on being concise — that will help get your artistic message across to our review panel.  

I would also suggest reaching out to ask any and all questions you have! There is no question too small, and we will always help as best as we can to help make you a competitive applicant. 

You can reach Lucero at lcortez@westarts.org

Applications for PAD Showcase close at 11:59pm PT on Friday, January 6, 2023.


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