Serve the WAA Community and Field as a Board Member!

WAA is seeking dedicated and dynamic performing arts professionals to fill multiple director seats in 2024!

We’re excited to announce that nominations are now open for passionate people seeking to shape the future of our field and WAA! As a membership organization, your voice matters, and we invite you to serve on our esteemed Board of Directors. WAA is looking for candidates that demonstrate a passion for our mission and a commitment to serving the needs of our members. In addition to this you’ll aide in WAA’s evolution as we respond to changes and challenges in the field.

As a member of the WAA board you will have the unique opportunity to impact WAA and help steward its evolution. As a board member, your voice will shape: 

1.     Strategic Direction

2.     Community Advocacy

3.     Conference Programming

4.     Membership Benefits

5.     Governance

Board duties include acting as the fiduciary and guardian of organizational assets, setting policy, and establishing long- and short-term goals. All employees of member organizations and individual membership holders are eligible to nominate and sit on the WAA Board.

Whether you’re a presenter at a rural university, an agent in the big city, or an artist somewhere in-between there’s room on the board and the need for your voice in the room.

Submit your nomination — for yourself or a colleague — by the deadline: Friday, May 31 at 11:59pm PT.

WAA’s Governance Committee will review and vet all nominees, and a slate of candidates will be distributed to the membership via email for a vote later this year.   


2024 Board Rotation  

 Director Rotation 

Pamela Green, End of 2nd Term as Director, Not Seeking Election as An Officer.

Robin Pomerance, End of 1st Full Term as Director. Not Seeking Re-election.

Nadhi Thekkek, End of 1st Full Term as Director. Seeking Re-election.

Officer Rotation 

Joe McIalwain, Immediate Past President, Final Term as Officer.

  • Ineligible for Board Service Until 2026.

Tony Gómez, President, End of Term as President.

  • Moves to Immediate Past President (2026)

Joseph Copley-Venturo Díaz, Vice President

  • End of Term As Vice President. Seeking Presidency.

Incumbents Seeking Re-Election 

Incumbent Joseph Copley-Venturo Dìaz seeks the Presidency, Term Ending 2026

Incumbent Nadhi Thekkek seeks an additional term as a Director with Term Ending 2026 - 2028.

 2024 Vacancies*

  1. Vice President, Term Ending 2026

  2. Vacant Director Seat, Term Ending: 2026 - 2028

  3. Vacant Director Seat, Term Ending: 2026 - 2028

  4. Vacant Director Seat, Term Ending: 2026 - 2028

*If an existing Board Member seeks the Vice Presidency, a partial term on the Board of Directors will become available for a member to be selected for.

Nominations For the 2024 WAA Awards Are Open!


Pitch Opportunities: Share Your Work at WAA 2024